Monday, August 29, 2011


Storms of Life

Tonight we are having a thunderstorm.  My girls are tucked into their beds; however, they are NOT sleeping.  Instead they are worrying.  Why?  Well because they are afraid.  What are they afraid of?  They are scared of the lightning and thunder.  They are worried about rain water coming into our house.  They are terrified that our house will burn down when it is struck by lightning.  (Notice, not if it is struck by lightning, but WHEN it is struck by lightning.)

Thunderstorms remind me of the trials and tribulations that we all go through.  For example, do you remember when it would rain when you were a child and you would start singing "Rain, rain, go away!  Come again another day."?  As a child I sang that song many times, even more so when there was thunder and lightning outside.  Don't we do the same thing when a trial comes upon us?

We may not sing the song, but we often do start complaining.  It can sound something like, "Why does this have to happen to me?"  Or even, "I am living a nightmare, I wish it were over!"  Then there is the occasional "Why can't I just get to the next chapter of my life?"  Let's be honest when trials comes upon us, we often can't wait to get out of them.  We want it over as soon as possible.

Of course we want the trial over as soon as possible.  No one likes to experience difficulties.  However, just as the earth needs the rain that comes from a thunderstorm, we need the trials that come into our lives.  Those trials teach us something that we would have never learned any other way.  Those trials grow us as a person; they stretch us.  The best part is that after we have endured those trials we can be an encouragement to those who are going through a similar situation.  Essentially, we become a rainbow to those who have watched us endure as well as to those with whom we share our story.

When the thunderstorms of life come upon you, do not worry.  I am sure you have heard the saying that 99% of the time the things that we worry about never come to fruition.  It is true.  Why spend your time worrying, instead try to see what you can learn from the situation or what you can do to change the situation.  Pray about the situation and seek guidance.  That is a much better way to spend your time.  

You will also find that it will keep you from becoming paralyzed by fear.  Instead of thinking that your house will get struck by lightning, trust that God will always be with you.  He has promised to never leave you or forsake you!  (Joshua 1:5: Hebrews 13:5)  Claim that promise and start walking through your trials without fear and trembling.  Be confident that He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it! (Philippians 1:6)  

Are you going through a trial right now?  Do you need prayer support?  If so, just post a comment and I will pray for you.  You do not have to share your whole story or any of it at all.  God knows what each and every one of us is going through.  He will hear my prayer and answer in the best way possible.

Have you gone through a trial that you want to share?  Do you want to be an encouragement to someone else?  If so post a comment and know that you will bless someone else.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Goal

  What is the goal of this blog?

The goal of this blog is two-fold, first and foremost to offer genuine hope! 

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. (Proverbs 13:12 ESV) When the heart cries help, what is it that is desired?  HOPE!  That is why a person is groaning from their inward being for help.  That person needs to know that there is hope.  It is my intention to offer hope to those individuals going through difficult situations and seasons of life. 

The second goal of this blog is to help educate people.

This will be done by explanation as well as offering numerous resourcesand just plain fun.  It is my hope to publish one serious/informative post a week as well as one real life/fun post per week. 

A person who is almost paralyzed by their situation often does not even know what help they need or even where to find the help that they need.  This blog will attempt to show those individuals what they need to find genuine hope as well as what resources are available to help them along their journey of survival.

Are you going through a valley today?  If so, what would you like to see here to help you start your ascent up the mountaintop?

Have you just come out of a valley? If so, why not post a comment so that you can be an encouragement to someone else?

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Lessons From the Quake

Today I felt my first ever earthquake.  As I reflect on that experience, I see the similarity in the reactions to experiencing an earthquake and that of learning about one's need of salvation.  First of all, it was very interesting to note peoples' reactions.  There were those who were oblivious to what was going on.  Then there were those who were concerned and wondering what was happening.  There were those who said, "It is nothing, just the quarry blasting."  And then there were those who were emphatic that it was an earthquake.

This reminds me of the similar responses from people when they are confronted with their need of salvation.  There are those who are oblivious to their need even after they have heard about their need.  Then  you have those who are searching and curious, but not ready to commit to anything.  You also have those who hear the "Good News" and discount it.  Finally, there are those who see their need of salvation, accept the gift, and then declare that free gift of salvation to others.  

I also took note of the response of co-workers to the individual who pronounced the earthquake as quarry blasting.  The co-workers who readily accepted this explanation did not do anything to verify the accuracy of the statement.  They believed the declaration based on the perceived authority of the individual who was speaking.  

This reminds me that we should always be certain to know who we are listening to and test what they say against the Scriptures.  Just because someone claims to have the answer does not guarantee that their answer is correct.  I believe this is why the Bible says that in the multitude of counselors there is safety.  (Proverbs 11:14)

I also reflected on the response of co-workers who were emphatically told that we were experiencing an earthquake.  I can't help but see how their responses parallel those responses that a Christian might receive when witnessing.  There were those who automatically discounted the individual's declaration that it was an earthquake.  The manner in which the person was discounted ranged from simply ignoring the person who told them, to mocking the person, even to belittling the person.  

How often does that happen when you tell someone about what God has done for you?  Do not be discouraged, keep proclaiming the truth because when you share the Gospel story, you have a message more important than "It's an earthquake".  Your message holds the difference between spending eternity in heaven with God or being separated from God forever in hell.  

Finally there were those co-workers who heard the proclamation that there was an earthquake and believed the news.  Some believed it immediately either because they were undoubtedly convinced or because of the experiences that they had already gone through.  However, for others it took a little time to sink in and for them to believe, but ultimately they did believe the news.
Is that not how it works when one comes to salvation.  Some hear for the first time and believe right away.  Some have heard it before and this time when the seed is planted they respond.  Others hear it, go away, and then believe.  However long it takes for a person to come to salvation the important point is that they accepted the gift of eternal life. 

What can you and I take away from these lessons from an earthquake?  First of all, keep proclaiming the Gospel.  We should not be afraid of the response that we get.  After all, we have the most important news that there is.  We have news that will effect a person's eternity.  Share that news boldy.

We may never know the result of our speaking the Gospel. One may instantly believe, while others may take time to believe. Still others may never believe. The only thing that is certain is that if we do not share the Gospel that we will not be used to plant a seed. So share the Gospel boldly!

What other lessons can be learned by experiencing an earthquake?  If you have any thoughts or idea, please feel free to share them!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

When the Heart Cries Help - The Definition

What exactly does
"When the Heart Cries Help" mean? 

"The Heart Cries Help" when a person is going through a truly terrible situation or season in their life.  Often the person cannot describe their depth of emotions and may want to give in and quit.  This person may feel totally helpless and almost paralyzed.

This person wants/needs help but does not necessarily know how to or who to ask for help.  It is at that time that their heart cries for help.  It is at this time in a person's life when they are almost at the end of their rope.  Are you feeling at the end of your rope?