Saturday, November 17, 2012

Matters of Life and Death

The Untimely Death


I know that it is difficult to understand why a child would be taken from a parent in an untimely manner and I also know that some people are not "extremely religious".  With that said, when Adam and Eve "fell" sin entered the world and the curse of death fell upon all people.  The natural death of any person (including children) is a consequence of the fall of man and the curse of sin entering the world.  

What I mean by that is prior to the fall of man, life was perfect.  There was no sin, no deteriorating of the body, no death, and no separation from God.  That was how God intended it to be.  However, when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, they willingly chose to disobey the one rule that God had put into place.  Why did they do it?  If you look in Genesis, it was because they wanted to be like God.  They wanted to be God.  They wanted to be the center of their rule.  They wanted the final say.  I won't go into it all here, but this was not just eating a piece of fruit; it was much more.  As a result of their deliberate choice, life forever changed.  No longer would Adam and Eve live in "Utopia"; they were kicked out of the garden and had to work hard for the things that had previously come much easier for them.  Their bodies began to deteriorate and death became inevitable.  They were separated from God.  

Now I know that it does not seem fair that because Adam and Eve did something and now everyone else suffers because of it.  However, the fact remains that Adam and Eve were the representation of all mankind.  Because of that we all are found in them. And quite frankly, no one can say that if they were there in the garden that they would not have made the same choice.  God gave mankind the ability to choose and mankind's nature is not that of goodness.  We are selfish to the core and given the chance we will do wrong.  For example, no one has to teach a child how to lie.  It is part of their nature.  It is because of this that all men fell out of the grace of God.  No one is righteous, not one human being. 

As for matters of life and death, in the eyes of God ALL life is valuable.  That means when a person dies in their old age or even in the womb that BOTH lives are of the same value to God.  One is not more valuable than the other.  We as humans tend to think that the untimely death of a person whether an infant, a teen, or a young adult is worse than that of an individual who has achieved old age.  Yet, to God, both lives are of the same value.  God does not measure life by the number of days lived, but rather in the fact that it is life and life made in the image of God. 
I know that this does not console hurt and loss.  That is why it is important to look at how Jesus reacted to death when he walked the earth.  When his friend Lazarus died, an untimely death, Jesus wept.  Remember that when Jesus wept he already knew that he would raise him, Lazarus, from the dead. Mourning when someone dies is natural.  It is to be expected.  It is a loss.  It is difficult. I am not trying to sugar coat that aspect.  I am just trying to explain "Why".

I don't know if this made the consequence of that original sin more understandable or not.  Either way, I am truly sorry for your co-worker's loss.  May it be a comfort to you that God too wept at the loss of that innocent live. God also weeps at the hurt of this couple.  He hurts the same way that we do when our own child is hurting and we as parents have to sit by and do the best that we can to console them, yet we cannot take the pain away. 

I hope that you know that God is a loving God, who planned for us to live forever in the Garden of Eden.  I hope that you know that it is mankind that chose to thwart that plan and wanted to be more than was intended.  I hope that you know that it is mankind that brought the consequences of sin, death, and separation from God on all of mankind.   

But more importantly, I hope that you know that God loved us so much that in knowing that there was nothing that we could ever do to rid ourselves of the consequences of sin, death, and eternal separation from God, CHOSE to send his Son to earth to die on the cross to save us.  Sure we will suffer the consequences of the fall here on earth.  However, if a person accepts the gift of salvation, they will spend eternity with God in heaven.  In heaven there will be no more tears, sorrows will be forever gone, death will not be a reality, we will have the bodies that God originally intended for us to have (not ones that deteriorate or hold disease and illness), and we will be forever united with God.  That is the hope that a Christian has.  That hope is what makes the difficulties of life much more bearable.  It is not that it won't hurt, but rather that we know the ending and the ending makes anything that we go through bearable. 

Thank you Anne for posting that comment.  I apologize for not getting back to you sooner as not only was my blog under construction, but so was my life.  I know we all struggle in understanding the "Why" of terrible things.  I guess in closing I just want to say that when it all boils down, the main key is faith.  Faith that God has a plan.  Faith that God's plan involves providing a way for us to escape the curse of sin and death.  Faith to accept that plan.  Faith to walk through the ordeals of life, while keeping the focus on the prize at the end, eternal life.  May God grant you that faith!

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Why would a loving God allow terrible things to happen?

There is no getting around it, bad things happen every day. So why would a loving God allow this to be the case?

At first glance this reason is going to sound cruel, but please read the entire thought before you dismiss it. God allows terrible things to happen because He loves us. Yes, I said He allows terrible things to happen because he loves us.  

One of the ways that He demonstrates His love is by giving us the freedom to make choices. 

Every day we live our life with the ability to do good (right) or the ability to do wrong (evil).  When we choose to do good, does that mean that we will never experience terrible thing?  No! Other people around us also have the ability to choose and their choices can and often do effect our lives. 

What if we choose to do wrong?


Will we experience terrible things?  Initially that may be the case, but more often than not that terrible thing or suffering will catch up to us down the road.  We can never quite escape the consequences of our choices.

But what about those times when no one made a choice; something just happened?

It is at those times that we, as fallen beings, are experiencing the consequences of sin.  And those consequences came from the first man and woman having a choice.

Yes, God loves us and shows us that love by giving each and every one of us the ability to choose.

It is for that very reason that He allows terrible things to happen and for suffering to occur.  The good news is that He not only gave us the ability to choose, but He also offered us freedom from sin.  He loved us so much that He sent His only Son to die on the cross to pay the penalty for our sin.   That is an even greater demonstration of God's love for us!

Jesus Christ was perfect and yet He suffered more than any of us ever could or will.  Why?  Because He was sinless and never did anything to deserve the consequences of sin.  (That is why He could pay the price for our sin.)  Have you made the choice to accept God's free gift?  If not, what is holding you back?  If you have accepted His free gift, keep in mind Jesus' sufferings while you are going through your season of trial, tribulation, and suffering.  Know that God has made a way for you to escape so that you may be able to bear it (I Corinthians 10:13).

Friday, September 23, 2011


Where Does One Go To Find Hope?

 If you look closely at the picture you will see the word HOPE written in the sand.  Or do you?  At first glance, you instinctively know that the photographer was trying to capture the essence of the word hope.  But yet the photographer did not completely capture "HOPE" in the frame.  Part of the word is fleeting.

When a person's heart is crying for help that person is in desperate need of hope.  When that person does not have a relationship with God they will not first look to the Bible for their answers.  Because that person does not have access to a personal relationship with God and His wisdom, then that person can never have genuine hope. 

Filling one's life with self-help books, counseling, resources, advice, etc and NEVER going to the Author of hope is like an incomplete picture.  Sure, each of those things can alleviate some of the pain and anguish that a person is feeling, but they will never allow a person to know and experience genuine hope. 

My hope is in the Lord Who gave Himself for me!

Do you know the One who can offer true hope?  If not, please seek out someone today who can show you how to begin a personal relationship with God.  If you don't know anyone who has a personal relationship with God, then please contact me.  I would be more than happy to show you my Lord and what he has done, not only for me but for you too!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Emperor's New Clothes

Be Real

I am sure that you have probably heard the story of The Emperor's New Clothes written by Hans Christian Andersen.  If you have not heard the story or simply forget what it is about, click this link to read the story before you read this entry.

Lately I have been thinking about how we, as human beings, can very easily find ourselves pretending to be something we are not.  In a sense we are like that emperor, putting on invisible clothing (a facade).  We think that this impresses others.  We know it is not real, yet we talk ourselves into continued living in this manner.  

Why do we do this?  There are many reasons.  Some people are just people-pleasers.  When that person realizes that he/she does not live up to another person's ideal, they simply pretend to be something they are not in order to feel accepted.  But is this true acceptance?

Other people may be ashamed of something in their life.  Rather than dealing with that issue, that person pretends it does not exist; hides it by putting on an invisible garment.  All the while that person feels the shame in the pit of their being and never comes to the point of working on that area or accepting that part of who they are.  

There are many other reasons that people chose to put on the invisible garment.  The reason is not really what is important.  What is really important is what happens when people choose to live a life dressed in invisible clothing. 

Initially, the person repeats the lie or acts differently.  Eventually they come to believe the lie.  The facade becomes a way of life.  Essentially, that person becomes just like the emperor, walking around in their underwear, but so certain that they are dressed in the finest clothing that money can buy. 

The lie/facade becomes so much a part of their life that they overlook the confusion of those who know them.  Just like the emperor shrugged off the child who pointed out that he did not have any clothes on, so to this person living a lie will disregard the confusion and sometimes even the hurt of those who know them so well.

Sometimes the facade is so ingrained that even when the person is exposed they feel obligated to continue on promoting the lie.  This is what the emperor did when he insisted on finishing out the parade, even when he knew that he was not wearing any clothes.

Pride takes over and instead of admitting that it was a lie, the person digs in deeper.  The person becomes unwilling to change.  I wonder if this is because the person has begun to belief the lie to be true or if they are just to ashamed to admit that it was a lie.  Either way, pride often ends up winning.

In the end, the person living the lie/facade ends up being revealed for what he/she truly is.  Just as the people of the kingdom saw through the Emperor's clothes, friends and relatives will see through the act that the person is putting on.  Even if the person never stops living the lie, those who know the person will come to realize his/her true nature.  

It would have been much better to accept who you are or to not worry about what others think than to chose to put on those invisible clothes.  You may be afraid of not being accepted or of being embarrassed, but facing those fears is much better that facing people who you love and having to admit that you have been living a lie.

My challenge for everyone is to be real.  Don't be afraid to be who you are.  No one is perfect.  We are all works in progress.  God made everyone unique.  Strive to live your life for Him, embracing that fact that He made you to be who you are.  

If there is an area where you struggle, give it to God.  Trust Him to help you conquer that area.  face that problem, trial, or imperfection, knowing that you will overcome when you put your trust in the Lord.  Don't be afraid to be who you are.  After all, God loves you with an everlasting love.  That should mean more to you than the approval of any man, woman, or child.  


Friday, September 9, 2011


Why am I feeling sad?

Sadness is a normal human emotion.  Sadness often accompanies a loss.  So if you have lost a relationship, a loved one, your health, a job, etc. and you feel sad, then KNOW that  you are not alone.

What should you do when you are feeling sad?

1)  Set aside some time to reflect on why you are feeling sad.  Did you experience a job loss?  Did you lose a good friend to cancer?  Did you fail at something?  Was there an unhappy event?  

You may find that it is easy to figure out the cause of your sadness.  But then again, there are those times that it can take a while to figure out everything that went into making you feel sad. Know that pinpointing the cause of your sadness does not always have to come easy. Keep on reflecting on what is driving your sadness. 
2)  After reflecting on why you are sad, think about whether or not this sadness is telling you that you need to do something.  It may be that you need to respond in a different manner to a particular person or situation.  Remember not to simply trust in what your heart is telling you.  Seek out the counsel of friends and the Bible if you are unsure of what you should do next.  

You may need to change something in your life.  If that is the case, don't be afraid to make that change.  Most people fear change, do not let that fear stop you from doing what you need to do!

3)  Don't try to be strong or brave by suppressing your feeling of sadness.  Suppressing those feelings will only lead to a worse situation.   It is much better to deal with your sadness now than after it has dug in and magnified itself.

 Suppressing your feelings is kind of like slapping a band-aid over a wound that has not been cleaned.  The germs (feelings) will fester and the end result will not be pretty.  

4)  If you feel like crying, then cry.  Don't hold the tears back.  After you have had a good cry, notice that often things do not seem so bleak.  

A good cry can often bring a sense of relief .  After a good cry, you may be able to look at the situation optimistically.  Allowing time to be sad and cry can often lead to a happier mood - one where the happiness is realized.

5)  Be certain that the sadness you are feeling is not depression.  If you suspect that you are experiencing depression, get help right away.  Do not allow yourself to flounder under the bondage of depression.  

Do you know the signs of depression?

If not, here are some symptoms that a depressed person may be experiencing.
  • difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions
  • fatigue and decreased energy
  • feelings of guilt, worthlessness, and/or helplessness
  • feelings of hopelessness and/or pessimism
  • preoccupation with problems and failures can be a sign of depressed feelings
  • insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping
  • irritability, restlessness
  • Self-criticism, self-blame, self-loathing is often a signs of depression
  • loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including sex
  • withdrawal from people
  • overeating or appetite loss
  • persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatment
  • persistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelings
  • thoughts of suicide, suicide attempts

Are you feeling sad today?  If so then know that you are not alone.  Try some of the tips above and feel free to post anything else that you do. 

Are you or a friend of yours exhibiting signs of depression?  If so, then I beg of you to get help for yourself or your friend.  Depression is very serious and needs to be dealt with as soon as possible.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sinus Infection

Oh, my face is going to explode!

Have you ever had a sinus infection that left you in so much pain that you thought you would not make it through the night? I have and let me tell you that I did not think that I would be able to endure the agony. However, I did recover, but not without a trip to the doctor and the right medications. 

 "What in the world does a sinus infection have to do with hope?" Well, everything! My sinus infection helped me to see exactly what happens when we are in a trial and what we need to do in order to have genuine hope.

When my sinus infection began I had some very minor symptoms. I was sneezing occasionally and thought that it was from something in the air. Then I had a minor cough and my throat began to hurt. I thought I just needed to drink some hot tea, get some sleep, use a humidifier, and take an over the counter medicine. After all these thing will help!  I continued to go on with my life thinking I was fine. 

Things did not improve, but I kept thinking that if I just kept adding the medicine , the humidifier, and the hot tea it would eventually get better. It did not get better though! One night I went to bed and woke up crying because my face felt like it was going to explode.  That was when I realized that I waited too long to get help and that I was faced with hours before I would be able to call the doctor. I honestly did not think I was going to make it throughout the night!

That night as I was in my bed I could not fall asleep because I hurt so badly. I could not move because when I tried to move I hurt even worse. I felt paralyzed and I just wanted the pain to go away. It hurt so badly that I wanted to go to the Emergency Room, which probably would have been a great idea, except for the medical bill that would have followed.  

In the morning I saw my doctor and she diagnosed me with a sinus infection. I don't usually get sick so she explained to me why my face hurt so badly. When the sinus cavity is inflamed it creates pressure on your ear, your eye, and even on the nerves of your teeth. This pressure often creates intense pain. I find it interesting that those parts of the body are so interconnected that they all experience pain from the inflamation that is centrally located in the sinus cavity. Is this not just like ourself? We cannot compartmentalize our problems as they too effect every area of our life. 

In order to remedy the situation my doctor prescribed me an antibiotic and a steroid. I needed both in order to experience relief.  She advised me that I would not feel instant relief but that it would take about 2-3 days for the pain to get better. I am happy to report that my face is not throbbing.  There is still some pain, especially when I overdo it. However I am on the mend.

What I learned from this experience is that it is a perfect example of how we often approach problems in our life. At first we are prone to deny them. We hope that they will go away on their own. We do that until we cannot ignore the situation any more. 

Once we acknowledge there is a problem, we tend to throw quick fixes at the situation. For example, we will go out and buy a self-help book looking for a nugget of truth to help us out of our situation. Sometimes we try to mask the problem by filling our lives with excitement. We do this by partying, scheduling our lives with entertainment, watching tv and living our life through the television, drinking, shopping, and so many other things.

For a time we might think that this approach is working, but just like that sinus infection, the trouble is only brewing under the surface. There will come a time when the situation explodes and the problem will be much bigger than it was initially. 

When the situation explodes, it is precicely at that point that we are faced with a choice. That choice is to do nothing and go on as we are or to seek help. In the case of life problems we need to seek help, not from a medical doctor, but from the Great Physician. God is that Great Physician. He has laid out a plan for us, a plan full of hope. (Jeremiah 29:11)

God wants us to come to Him for advice and "medicine".  First we need to go to Him in prayer and then seek advice in His Word.  In prayer we can lay our burdens on Him and He will not only pick up those burdens, but He will also either give us strength or carry us through. 

In the Bible, God offers a blueprint of how we should live. However, it is not enough to just read the Bible. We also need to act on what we read. For instance, we are told that in the multitude of counselors there is safety. (Proverbs 14:4) We cannot keep that solely as head knowledge. That would be like going to the doctor and getting a prescription but leaving it on the counter and never taking the pills. We need to seek out those counselors, just like we need to take our pills. This requires action on our part. If we do not apply His Word, we will never see the fruit that will come from it.

We also need to continue to follow through. My sinus infection was not cured instantly. It took a couple of days to get better. That is how it is with our problems and trials. They will not be fixed as soon as we fall on our knees before God and start applying His concepts. It will take some time and continued action on our part. Keep perserveering and you will be rewarded.

We all have seen the warning on that prescription bottle - "Finish all medication unless otherwise directed by prescriber."  Yet, how many times do people start to feel better and think, "I don't need to finish that prescription."  They stop taking the medicine and more often than not the symptoms return, sometimes even worse than they were in the first place.  Don't be like that person when dealing with life's problems. Keep on trusting God, praying, seeking His counsel, and acting on it. Only then will we become who God wants us to be and only then will we have genuine hope!

Are you experiencing a "sinus infection" moment in your life?  If so, seek out the face of the Great Physician. When you feel like you can't make it through another day, He will gently lift you up and carry you through. Read His Word.  Learn what His solutions are for life's problems.  Don't stop there, apply that knowledge and start living what you know to be truth.

If you have gone through a difficult circumstance, encourage someone else who may be going through a similar situation. God will use you to to help ease that person's burden and you will be living out the commandment to bear one another's burden. In the end you may be the one God has chosen to help another person. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Philosophy

My Philosophy -It is Important!

As a Christian, my life philosophy will ultimately be based on the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ.  Since that is the case, I do believe that genuine hope comes from having a personal relationship with God.  But what does that mean and how can a person have a personal relationship with God? 

It means realizing that I am a sinner and that the penalty of my sin is death, both physical and eternal separation from God.  It means confessing my sin and believing that Jesus Christ is the Godman, who came to Earth, lived a perfect life and died on the cross to pay the penalty of my sin.  It means asking Him to forgive me of my sin and to be my Lord and Savior.  It means having a personal relationship with the God who loved me so much that he sent his one and only son to die on the cross to pay for my sin.

If you do not have a personal relationship with God and would like to know more, please contact me and I would be more than happy to show you God and what He has done for you too!